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Level Playing Field for Million Scale Face Recognition




Face recognition has the perception of a solved problem, however when testedat the million-scale exhibits dramatic variation in accuracies across thedifferent algorithms. Are the algorithms very different? Is access to good/bigtraining data their secret weapon? Where should face recognition improve? Toaddress those questions, we created a benchmark, MF2, that requires allalgorithms to be trained on same data, and tested at the million scale. MF2 isa public large-scale set with 672K identities and 4.7M photos created with thegoal to level playing field for large scale face recognition. We contrast ourresults with findings from the other two large-scale benchmarks MegaFaceChallenge and MS-Celebs-1M where groups were allowed to train on anyprivate/public/big/small set. Some key discoveries: 1) algorithms, trained onMF2, were able to achieve state of the art and comparable results to algorithmstrained on massive private sets, 2) some outperformed themselves once trainedon MF2, 3) invariance to aging suffers from low accuracies as in MegaFace,identifying the need for larger age variations possibly within identities oradjustment of algorithms in future testings.
机译:人脸识别可以解决问题,但是以百万级别进行测试时,不同算法的准确度会有很大差异。算法有很大不同吗?访问良好/训练有素的数据是否是他们的秘密武器?人脸识别应该在哪里改善?为了解决这些问题,我们创建了一个基准MF2,该基准要求对所有算法进行相同数据的训练,并进行百万级测试。 MF2是一个公开的大型场景,具有672K身份和470万张照片,这些照片是用球门创建的,用于公平竞争的场景,可进行大规模的人脸识别。我们将结果与其他两个大型基准测试MegaMaceChallenge和MS-Celebs-1M的结果进行对比,在该基准中,小组可以在任何私有/公共/大型/小型机构上进行训练。一些关键发现:1)在MF2上训练的算法能够达到最新水平,并且与在大规模私有集上训练的算法具有可比的结果; 2)在MF2上训练后,某些算法的性能优于自身; 3)与MegaFace一样,老化不变性的准确性较低。 ,确定可能需要在以后的测试中确定或调整算法以适应更大的年龄变化。



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